目的 观察中老年国人脉压 (PP)与冠心病 (CAD)的相关关系。方法 选北京军区中老年人 162 3例 ,其中男性 13 14例 ,女性 3 0 9例。平均年龄 66.73岁± 12 .2 7岁。详细询问病史、服药情况并做体格检查 ,抽血化验血生化等。按照“中国高血压防治指南”规范方法测量诊所血压 ,其中 73 5例进行了 2 4小时动态血压检测 (ABPM )。用Logistic法回归分析血压各组分与CAD的相关关系。结果 CAD与诊所偶测脉压、ABPM白昼脉压和夜间脉压均呈显著正相关 ,χ2 值分别为 5 .0 3 2 ,3 .988和 5 .988;P值均 <0 .0 5。对年龄、性别、血脂、血糖等进行校正后 ,脉压与CAD仍呈显著正相关 ( χ2 =2 4.3 62 ,P =0 .0 0 0 63 )。CAD与ABPM的夜间平均舒张压呈显著负相关 ( χ2= 5 .2 0 1,P =0 .0 2 2 3 )。结论 中老年国人脉压与冠心病有显著正相关关系 。
Objective To abserve the telation between pulse pressure(PP)and coronary artery disease(CAD)in chinese middle-aged and odder subjects.Meathods 1623 men and women in Beijing millitary district enrolled and underwent examination,which include an extensive cardiovascular history,drug having been taken and physical examination,12-lead ECG and various blood chemistries.Amang them 735 subjects underwent 24h ambulant blood pressure monitors (ABPM).The data evaluated by Logistic regression.Results CAD positively associated with either casual office PP or PPs during daytime and nighttime meassurements (χ 2=5.032,3.988 and 5.988 respectively, all P<0.05).Adjusted for age,sex and other risk factors,the relation between PP and CAD was signigicantly positive(χ 2=24.362,P= 0.00063). CAD negtively associated with the mean nighttime diastolic blood pressure(DBP) meassured by 24h ABPM(χ 2=5.201,P=0.0223).Conclusion In the middle-aged and older chinese,the relation between PP and CAD was significantly positive,suggesting that higher PP was one of the independent risk factors for CAD.
Journal of Clinical Internal Medicine
Blood pressure
Coronary artery disease
Risk factor