该系统实现了国土与房屋信息在市级国土资源和房产管理局各部门的传输处理、存储、查询、审批、发布及管理 ,并对国土、房屋、矿产资源等信息分析 ,为今后建立“数字城市”系统创造条件 ,为省、市等其他部门提供准确的决策支持信息提供科学依据。本文将简要阐述建立在ArcInfo8.1GIS平台的土地与房屋信息管理系统的集成框架和思路。
The transformation,storage,query,examination,approval,distribution and management of land and building information between the branches of city land and building management bureaus are realized by this system.The analysis of land information and mineral resources by this system brings us the possibilities for building a 'digital city'in the future.Also,this system provides the scientific basis on making correct decisions and supporting for other departments in city and provincial level.In this paper,the integrated frame and thoughts of this land and building information management system based on ArcInfo8.1 GIS platform will be analyzed.
Computer & Digital Engineering