本文应用Khuri 所发展的散射振幅Regge 表示的新形式,计算了π—N 散射T=(?)J=(?)p-波散射相移;假设了在阈以上直到共振附近止的低能范围内,((?),(?))共振所在的一条Regge 极迹是上述分波振幅的主要贡献。与别的文献不同,在计算中所作的近似,仍能使近似分波振幅阈行为在很高程度上满足分波弹性么正条件。计算结果同实验符合得相当好。
The new form of Regge Represertation of scattering amplitude developedrecently by Khuri is applied to calculate T=3/2,J=3/2 p-wave π-N ph-ase-shift at low energies.It is assumed that a single Regge-Khuri termwith which the(3/2,3/2)resonance may be associated dominates the partialwawe amplitude at low energies.In contrast to other literatures,elasticunitary condition is satisfied to a high degree near threshold in the presentapproxinations.Results agree with experiment rather satisfactorily in viewof the simple assumption and crude approxinations.
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni