九龙半岛城门大围的森林群落是以黄桐(Endospermum chinense)等为优势的南亚热带常绿阔叶林,是一个保存得较完整的低地林的代表类群.本文研究分析了该森林群落的区系组成、外貌、结构等基本特征.
An analysis was made on the physiognomy and structure of a'Fung ShuiLam(?)forest community in Shing Mun Country Park,around the site where TaiWai Village was formerly located in Kowloon Peninsula.This forest communityis a typical lower subtropical evergreen broad-leaved lowland forest.Theminimal area of the community,as determined by importance value—areacurve,is 1200m^2.The floristic composition of the community in the minimal area consists of64 ligneous species,belonging to 51 genera and 35 families.The families withthe highest importance values are Euphorbiaceae,Lauraceae,Rubiaceae,andRosaceae.The dominant species are Endosperma chinense,Pygeum topengii,Sterculia lanceolata,Sarcosperma laurin(?),and Lasianthus chinensis.In terms ofphytogeographic relationship,56-57% of the flora are tropical elements,while29—30% are subtropical ones.Over 80% of the plants in the community arephanerophytes,with a predominance of mesophanerophytes.Therophytes,however,are absent.Mesophyll is dominanal leaf-form.The structure of the communityis distinctly differentiated,with a rich collection of climbers,but a poorsample of vascular epiphytes and field layer elements.
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni