
中医药与肠道微生态相关性研究进展 被引量:40

Correlation Between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Intestinal Microecology
摘要 人体微生态系统包括口腔、皮肤、尿液和胃肠道,肠道微生态系统是最重要、最复杂的生态系统。肠道微生态由肠道菌群和其寄居的环境组成,具有参与机体物质代谢、营养吸收、黏膜屏障、免疫调节等作用,与机体生理及病理活动关系密切,相互影响。人体微生物群落由细菌、真菌、病毒和古菌等组成,他们之间建立了高度复杂的相互作用网络。肠道微生物生物量占人体微生物总生物量的78%,约有400~500种肠道细菌。正常肠道菌群是人体的天然屏障,对维持人体健康起着重要作用。肠道菌群最显著特征之一是具有稳定性,菌群按一定比例组合,各种细菌相互制约、相互依赖,在质量和数量上形成生态平衡。人体内外环境的变化会影响肠道菌群数量及结构,特别是长期使用广谱抗生素,敏感肠杆菌受到抑制,会发生各种肠道疾病和肠外疾病。因此,维持肠道微生态平衡对于人类抵抗肠道病原体引起的传染病具有重要意义。近年来,国内外学者发现,肠道微生态与消化系统疾病、心脑血管疾病、代谢综合征、肥胖等关系密切。关于中医药与肠道微生态的实验和临床研究日益增多,中医药也成为打开肠道微生态大门的一把金钥匙。文章从中医病因病机、证候、实验研究及临床治疗方面着手,系统论述了中医药与肠道微生态的相关性。 Human microecosystem includes oral cavity,skin,urine and gastrointestinal tract.Intestinal microecosystem is the most important and complex ecosystem.Intestinal microecology is composed of intestinal microflora and its habitat environment.It plays an important role in substance metabolism,nutrient absorption,mucosal barrier,immune regulation,and is closely related to physiological and pathological activities of the body.Human microbial community is composed of bacteria,fungi,viruses and archaea,which have established a highly complex interaction network.Intestinal microbial biomass accounts for 78%of the total human microbial biomass,and there are about 400 to 500 kinds of intestinal bacteria.Normal intestinal flora is the natural barrier of human body,and plays an important role in maintaining human health.One of the most prominent characteristics of intestinal flora is stability.The flora is combined in a certain proportion,and all kinds of bacteria interact with and depend on each other to form an ecological balance in quality and quantity.Any change in the internal and external environment of the human body will affect the number and structure of intestinal flora.In particular,the long-term use of broad-spectrum antibiotics could inhite susceptible enterobacter,which would cause various intestinal diseases and parenteral diseases.Therefore,the maintenance of intestinal microecological balance is of great significance to human’s resistance to infectious diseases caused by intestinal pathogens.In recent years,scholars at home and abroad have found that intestinal microecology is closely related to digestive system diseases,cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases,metabolic syndrome,obesity and so on.With the increasing number of experimental and clinical studies on traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)and intestinal microecology,TCM has become a golden key to open the door of intestinal microecology.This paper systematically discussed the correlation between TCM and intestinal microecology in the aspects of etiology,pathogenesis,syndrome,experimental research and clinical treatment.
作者 杜珊 周月 陈斌 DU Shan;ZHOU Yue;CHEN Bin(Hunan University of Chinese Medicine,Changsha 410208,China;First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine,Changsha 410007,China)
出处 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第18期182-188,共7页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81673959) 湖南省研究生科研创新项目(CX2018B462)
关键词 中医药 肠道菌群 微生态 中医证候 traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) intestinal flora microecology TCM syndrome
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