
生防菌株SW11在番茄植株上的定殖能力及其对番茄灰霉病的防控效果 被引量:12

Colonization of Biocontrol Bacterium SW11 in Tomato Plants and Its Control Effect on Botrytis cinerea
摘要 通过抗生素抗性标记法结合室内拮抗和小区防效试验,研究生防菌株SW11在番茄植株及其根围土壤中的定殖能力,及其对番茄灰霉病的防控效果。结果显示菌株SW11在番茄根、茎、叶和根围土壤中均能够较长时间定殖寄生,施药后5 d在番茄植株内定殖量达到最高值,在根围土壤和植株表面则呈先多后少、逐渐下降的动态变化趋势,施药30 d后,菌株SW11抗Rif标记菌株在根面的存在量为1.31×104 cfu/g,根围土壤中为4.88×102 cfu/g,叶面为1.84×102 cfu/g,茎外为0.87×102 cfu/g,根、茎和叶内为20~65 cfu/g。当菌液浓度为1.57×108 cfu/m L时,施药7 d后对番茄灰霉病的预防效果可达88.15%,治疗效果可达70.50%。研究结果证明生防菌株SW11可以成为番茄植株微生态环境中的有益微生物之一,能够有效控制番茄灰霉病的发生和为害,为其开发应用和番茄灰霉病的生物防治提供了理论依据和有效途径。 We studied the colonization of the biocontrol agent, bacterium SW11, in tomato and its rhizosphere soil by using the antibiotic labeling. Results showed that strain SW11 colonized in tomato root, stem, leaves, and rhizosphere soil. Population was the highest at 5 days after applying the bacteria in tomato plants. At 30 days after applying the bacteria, population of SW11 was 1.31×104 cfu/g at root surface, 4.88×102 cfu/g in rhizosphere soil, 1.84×102 cfu/g in leaf surface, 0.87×102 cfu/g in stem outside, 20—65 cfu/g in the root, stalk and leaf inside. Bioassay indicated that fermentation liquid of the bacteria significantly suppressed grey mold disease caused by Botrytis cinerea. It prevented the disease by 88.15% at 7 days after application at 1.57×108 cfu/m L. This research showed that strain SW11 is of great potential to be a biocontrol agents in suppressing tomato grey mould disease.
出处 《中国生物防治学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期353-360,共8页 Chinese Journal of Biological Control
基金 全国科学院联盟计划合作项目(2012-) 2013 2014年陇原青年创新人才扶持计划项目
关键词 生防菌SW11 定殖 番茄灰霉病 防控效果 biocontrol bacterium SW11 colonization Botrytis cinerea control efficacy
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