两面针是芸香科花椒属植物山椒[Zanthoxylum nitidum(Lam)DC]及其变种(Zanthoxylum nitidum Var neglectum How)药用根和根皮,民间为止痛(胃和关节痛)和蛇伤用药,广州第二制药厂曾制造为注射剂供应市场。 1962年我院在蛇药的筛选中,发现两面针复方对蛇毒有较好的保护作用,并初步发现两面针生物碱甲、丙的混合碱硫酸盐有强心作用,因而对生物碱部分进行了分离,从根皮中获得总碱含量为0.6~0.7%。
The chemical constituents of Zanthoxylum nitidum(Lam) D C,a Guangzhou Rutaceous plant,were examined. Six known alkaloids were isolated from the bark of fhe root. Most of them are Benz ( c ) phenanthridine alkaloids which have been identified as nitidine chloride, oxynitidine. chelery thrine , oxychelerythrine , nes-N-methylchelerythrine and Skim-mianine. Nitidine chloride is known to be a potential anticancer agent. The structure of alkaloids were elucidated by the base spectrome tric data (IR.UV.NMR) in the paper.
Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University:Medical Sciences