
苦玄参颗粒对鸿光黄鸡生长性能、血液生化指标、免疫及抗氧化功能的影响 被引量:6

Effect of diet with Picria feltarrae Lour particle on growth performance,blood biochemical indexes,immune and antioxidant function of Hongguang yellow chicken
摘要 将480羽1日龄鸿光黄鸡随机分为4组,每组设5个重复,每重复24羽,其中A组为对照组,只喂基础饲粮,B、C、D组为试验组,分别在基础饲粮中添加0.125%,0.250%和0.500%的苦玄参颗粒,试验期49 d;于21,35,49日龄时分别从每组随机抽取10羽进行心脏采血,分离血清进行生化及免疫等指标的测定。结果显示:C组21日龄日均增重极显著高于A、B、D组(P<0.01),35日龄时C组也明显高于A、B、D组(P<0.05),但49日龄时4个组间无明显差异(P>0.05);35日龄时C组的日均采食量显著高于其他3组(P<0.05),其他阶段C组也有高于A组的趋势(P>0.05);C组21日龄时饲料报酬极显著优于其他3组(P<0.01);试验期间C组鸡死亡率比A组降低50%;饲粮添加苦玄参颗粒对试验鸡的生理生化及免疫指标均无明显影响(P>0.05)。然而,21日龄时C、D组的总抗氧化能力极显著高于A、B组(P<0.01),35日龄时C组也显著高于A、B、D组(P<0.05);C、D组的谷胱甘肽含量21日龄时显著高于A、B组(P<0.05),35日龄时也极显著高于A、B组(P<0.01);总超氧化物歧化酶C、D组在3个阶段中均有高于A、B组的趋势(P>0.05)。可见饲粮添加0.250%苦玄参颗粒能明显提高35日龄前鸡的生长性能,并显著增强抗氧化能力,降低死亡率;在3种不同添加量中,0.250%的添加量效果最好。 This trial was conducted to investigate the effect of diet with Picria feltarrae Lour particle(PFLp)on growth performance,blood biochemical indexes,immune and antioxidant function of Hongguang yellow chickens(HYC).480 HYC in age of 1 dwere divided into 4 groups randomly and each group was assigned to 5 replicates of 24 chicks each.Group A was control group and fed only basal diet.Group B,C and D were treatment groups and fed diets with 0.125%,0.250%and0.500%of PFLp respectively during the trial of 49 d.Serum samples were taken from 10 chicks in each group at the age of 21,35 and 49 drespectively and analyzed for biochemical,immune and antioxidant parameters in blood.Results from the trial showed that ADG from group Cat 21 dwas increased significantly,higher than that from group A,B and D(P<0.01),and ADG at35 dfrom group C was also significantly greater than that of group A,B and D(P<0.05),but no difference was found on ADG among the 4 groups at 49 d(P>0.05);ADFI from group C at 35 d was significantly higher than that from group A,B and D(P<0.05).ADFI from group C at 21 d and 49 dwere also higher than that from group A(P>0.05).FCR from group C at 21 dwas much better than that from the other three groups(P<0.01).Death rate of group C was 50%lower than group A.There was no difference in serum biochemical and immune parameters among the 4 groups during the trial(P>0.05).However,the T-AOC from group C and D at 21 dwas higher than that from group A and B(P<0.01),and the one from group C at 35 dwas also higher than that from group A,B and D(P<0.05).GSH from group C and D at 21 dwas much higher than that from group A and B(P<0.05),and the ones from group C and D at 35 dwere also significantly higher than that from group A and B(P<0.01).T-SOD in three stages trended to increasing in group C and D(P>0.05).In conclusion,diet with 0.250%PFLp at 21 dand 35 dcould dramatically improve the growth performance,increase the antioxidant capacity and effectively reduce death rate.Diet with 0.25%PFLp is the most appropriate among the three different additions.
作者 杨翠 韦凤英 胡庭俊 吴强 邓继贤 万火福 黄英飞 吴亮 秦黎梅 黄丽 周俊华 黄宏业 王福林 廖玉英 杨家晃 YANG Cui;WEI Feng-ying;HU Ting-jun;WU Qiang;DENG Ji-xian;WAN Huo-fu;HUANG Ying-fei;WU Liang;QIN Li-mei;HUANG Li;ZHOU Jun-hua;HUANG Hong-ye;WANG Fu-lin;LIAO Yu-ying;YANG Jia-huang(The Animal Husbandry Research Institute of Guangxi Zhuang Automatous Region,Nanning 530001,China;College of Animal Science and Technology,Guangxi University,Nanning530004,China;Guangxi Beidouxing Animal Health Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.Nanning530003,China)
出处 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1191-1197,共7页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
基金 广西区直属公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资助项目(桂牧研科2017-06) 广西科技攻关重大资助项目(14121003-3-3) 南宁市科学研究与技术开发计划资助项目(20155181)
关键词 苦玄参颗粒 鸿光黄鸡 生长性能 免疫功能 抗氧化能力 Picria feltarrae Lour particle(PFLp) Hongguang yellow chickens(HYC) growth performance immune function T-AOC
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