
甲状腺功能低下动物模型研究进展 被引量:1

Research progress of animal model for Thyroid Hypofunction
摘要 甲状腺机能减退症(hypothyroidism,简称甲减)是由多种原因引起的甲状腺激素合成、分泌或组织利用不足所致的全身代谢减低综合症。甲减是大多数甲状腺疾病的最终转归。甲减起病于胎儿或新生儿者称呆小病;起病于儿童者称幼年型甲减;起病于成年者为成年型甲减。临床甲减的患病率为1%左右,随着年龄的增加,甲减患者逐渐增多,以女性多见。甲减的病因复杂,以原发者多见,其次为垂体性者,其他均属少见。近年来国内外为更好地研究甲减病因、发病机制、病理过程,纷纷尝试建立各种甲减动物模型,便于实验研究。现结合有关文献就近年甲减动物模型的研究进展作一回顾。 Hypothyroidism is a syndrome of the whole body metabolic reduction, the causes are all kinds of factors resulted in thyroid hormones synthesis and secretion as well as tissue utilization decreasing. Hypothyroidism is the end of most thyroid disease. As for fetus or newborn, hypothyroidism is also called cretinism. Hypothyroidism from child is named the juvenile hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism from adult is called the adult hypothyroidism. The prevalence rate of overthypothyroidism is about 1%. With the age increasing, the prevalence rate of hypothyroidism will increase, especially women.The pathogenesis of hypothyroidism is complex, the primary is common, next is a disorder of the pituitary gland, other is infrequent. In recent years, in order to further research pathogenesis and pathological process of hypothyroidism, the researchers at home and abroad have established all kinds of animal models for hypothyroidism. Based on related literatures,the research progress of animal model for Thyroid Hypofunction is reviewed in this paper.
作者 赵静 苟云久
出处 《中兽医医药杂志》 2015年第3期75-78,共4页 Journal of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine
基金 兰州市科技局项目[项目编号:兰财建(2012)97]
关键词 甲状腺机能减退症 动物模型 研究进展 hypothyroidism research progress animal model
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