
胆红素对兔实验性动脉粥样硬化形成的预防作用 被引量:3

Preventive Effect of Bilirubin on Formation of Experimental Atherosclerosis in Rabbits
摘要 目的 探讨体内的强抗氧化剂—血清胆红素防止动脉粥样硬化 (AS)的作用及机制。 方法 在新西兰兔食饵性 AS模型上 ,观察胆红素治疗性给药对氧化修饰低密度脂蛋白 (Ox L DL)、胆固醇 (TC)、甘油三酯 (TG)、低密度脂蛋白 (L DL )等水平变化及主动脉壁 AS斑块形成的影响。血清胆红素采用重氮法测定 ,Ox L DL采用EL ISA法测定 ,TC、TG采用酶法测定 ,高密度脂蛋白 (HDL)采用选择性抑制法测定 ,L DL 通过 Friedward公式计算。 结果  AS模型组的血清胆红素较正常对照组及胆红素处理组降低 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,胆红素处理组的 Ox L DL较对照组增高但低于 AS模型组 (P<0 .0 1 ) ,胆红素处理组与 AS模型组的 TC、TG、L DL 等水平差异无显著性 (P>0 .0 5 )。 结论 适当提高体内胆红素浓度以增加体内抗氧化能力 ,有利于抑制 L DL 氧化形成 Ox L DL,防止泡沫细胞形成 ,可能是防治 Objective To investigate the preventive effect of serum bilirubin which was a strong anti|oxidant on formation of atherosclerosis(AS) and its mechanism. Methods With experimental atherosclerosis rabbits treated or untreated with bilirubin, preventive effect of bilirubin on the formation of atherosclerosis plaque of the rabbits was observed, the levels of serum oxidatively modified low density lipoprotein(OxLDL), total cholesterol(TC), triglycerides(TG) and low density lipoprotein were determined respectively. Bilirubin was determined with Malloy|Evelyn. OxLDL was determined with ELISA. Total cholesterol, triglycerides were determined with enzymology, high density lipoproteins(HDL) was determined with elimination enzymatic assay, low density lipoprotein(LDL) was calculated with Friedward formula. Results The serum levels of bilirubin in atherosclerosis model group were lower than that of the control group and bilirubin treated groups(P<0 05); the serum levels of OxLDL in bilirubin treated groups although were higher than that of the control group, but lower than that of atherosclerosis model group(P<0 01). There was no significant difference of the serum levels of TC, TG, LDL between bilirubin treated groups and atherosclerosis model group(P>0 05). Conclusion To increase the level of bilirubin in vivo properly can improve anti|oxidative activities, meanwhile inhibit the peroxidation of LDL and the formation of foam cells;
出处 《福建医科大学学报》 2004年第1期26-29,共4页 Journal of Fujian Medical University
基金 福建省卫生厅青年基金资助课题 ( 99-0 1-19) 福建省教育厅科研基金资助项目 ( JA0 0 0 2 5 )
关键词 胆红素 抗氧化药 脂蛋白类 LDL 动脉粥样硬化 bilirubin anti-oxidant lipoprotein LDL atherosclerosis rabbit
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