

0ptimum Operation Parameters for Coal--Water Combined Combustion of Grate--Fired Fumace
摘要 本文根据文献[1]提出的层燃炉煤水混烧新方法和燃烧条件,通过理论分析和实验研究,得出了层燃炉煤水混烧的水蒸汽加入量、理论空气量、理论烟气量和过量空气系数等最佳运行参数。对层燃炉的煤水混烧技术的进一步研究,具有较大的指导意义。 Based on theoretical analysis and experimental studyauthors have obtained optimum operation parameters, aqueous vapour chargetheoretical air volume and smoke volume, excess air coefficient and so on,for coal-water combined combustion of grate-fired furnace, which has greaterdirecting significanee to forward study of grate-fired furnace's coal-watercombined combustion.
机构地区 湖南大学
出处 《现代节能》 1992年第3期68-73,共6页
关键词 煤水混烧 层燃锅炉 锅炉运行 Grate-Fired furnace Coal-water combined combustion Optimum operation parameters
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