5Hediger,Ryan.Hunting,Fishing,and the Cramp of Ethics in Ernest Hemingway‘s The<Old Man and the Sea>,Green Hills of Africa,and Under Kilimanjaro[].Hem-ingway Review.2008
3本文凡对《老人与海》有直接、间接引用的,均径用阿拉伯散字标明.本文所依原作为:Ernest Hemingway.1989.The Old Man and the Sea. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons/Beijing: World publishing Corporation.
4恩培多克勒(Empedocles):古希腊早期哲学家,认为万物自存友(friendship)与斗(strife)双重质性,友为善之本因,斗为恶之本因("Friendshipisthe cause of goodthings,and strife of bad"), 见 The Complete Works of Aristotle (Vol. 2).1984. Ed. by J. Barnes. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Pp. 1557-1558.