校园建设是国家发展建设的重要组成部分,提倡绿色校园和校园规划的可持续发展已成为我国校园建设发展的必然要求。目前,美国高校均采取各种绿色设计策略和技术措施来实现可持续发展的目标,以LEED为核心形成的LEED for School评价体系已在全美高校中得到广泛应用,这对于绿色校园建设处于发展阶段的国内高校具有很好的示范借鉴作用。本文作者在纽约Perkins+Will建筑设计与咨询公司工作期间,全程参与了纽约警察学院的设计,本文旨在通过该校园项目绿色设计的实践,从规划和设计的角度,详细介绍项目的绿色设计策略和设计方法,以期使国内的绿色校园设计得到良好的借鉴,从而促进我国绿色校园建设的可持续发展。
Campus construction is an important part of the national development and construction, advocating the development of Green campus andsustainable campus planning has become the inevitable requirement of the development of campus construction in our country.At present, American colleges and universities adopt various green design strategies and technical measures to achieve the goal of sustainable development; LEED-Certificated for School evaluation system has been widely used in the American universities,which has a good demonstration for the development our nation's universities. The author has fully participated in the New York Police Academy's design, while working in the architectural firm-Perkins+Willin New York. This paper is aiming at the detailed introduction of green design strategy and design methods by the practice of this campus project, to provide a good reference for the domestic green campus design, therefore promote the sustainable development of Green campus development in our country.
Design Community
green campus
sustainable development
green technology