

On Construction and Protection:A Case Study of the First Phase of the Expansion Project of the North Campus of Chengdu Textile College
摘要 成都纺织高等专科学校北苑一期扩建工程涉及原成都世界乐园约108处景观。在建设过程中考虑城市规划、学校中长期发展规划、各建筑功能、原有景观分布等因素,将扩建项目的建设和世界乐园景观的保护紧密结合,实现了建筑面积增加、园林景观优化、建筑风貌协调、建设成本节约的校园建设目标。本文总结了学校北苑一期扩建项目建设全过程的经验、成果及不足,以期为有类似背景的建设项目提供参考。 The first phase of the expansion project of the north campus of Chengdu Textile College covered one hundred and eight scenic spots of the previous Chengdu World Landscape Theme Park. In the construction process, the urban planning, the middle and long term development plan of the school, the architectural functions, the previous scenic spots and other factors were all taken into consideration. The construction of the expansion project have been closely combined with the protection of the landscape to achieve the goals of campus construction--floor area increase, landscape optimization, architectural coordination, construction cost reduction.This article is an overall summary of the experience, results and imperfections of the first phase of the expansion project of the north campus of Chengdu Textile College, which is intended to be a reference for similar construction projects.
出处 《住区》 2017年第S1期95-99,共5页 Design Community
关键词 北苑一期扩建工程 规划 建设 保护 the first phase of the expansion project of the north campus planning construction protection
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