This paper explores the health equity-oriented spatial planning strategies for primary health service facilities.Health equity,however,has many aspects,and is best seen as a multidimensional concept.It has different connotations in different disciplines such as philosophy,political science,law,economics,and sociology.To individuals,it affect ones’capability to obtain resources for living.To a society,it is not only the indicator for social justice,but also the major factor decides the total amount of social welfare needed for redistribution.At present,the major principles used in medical resources allocation in all countries are the application of three theories:Egalitarianism,Prioritarianism and Sufficientarianism,which profoundly affects each country’s macro structure of social warfare in terms of healthcare and health insurance policies.As a medical planning aims to materialize the prime principles of social resource allocation and the overarching design of health resource allocation,understanding those principles in China is crucial.Furthermore,health service cross over different disciplines such as geographic and spatial environment,medical science and economics.In China,the spatial planning of medical facilities at all levels needs the co-operations of health and urban planning authorities,to whom the definitions and evaluation methods of equity are different.Therefore,when developing spatial planning strategies for health services,it is necessary to clarify the similarities and differences between health planning and urban planning for equity evaluation and to select suitable evaluation systems and tools.This paper has two major parts:First,review literatures in both geographical and spatial environment and health science to clarify the EFJ concepts and evaluation methods.Second,finds out the relationship between those concepts and methods to develop the spatial planning strategies for prime medical facilities.Firstly,set up one primary healthcare service station in every urban and rural community,in accordance with the current Outline of the National Health Service System(2015-2020)to improve the overall accessibility.Nevertheless,as the capability to achieve good health does not necessarily lead to the achievement of health,the accessibility of health care facilities does not mean the accessibility of the services.The second step of the strategy is thus to investigate and visualize the current situation of the supply and demand of health services in research areas and,enrich services and/or improve quality of primary facilities in areas with healthcare shortage.As such,the overall accessibility of services increased with the utilization rate of urban and rural residents,whose needs are fulfilled towards the health equity for all.
Design Community
health equity
health services
primary healthcare facilities
spatial planning