一人類社會對於數字神秘性的特殊崇拜現象非常普遍。德國學者安娜瑪麗·席默爾(Annemarie Schimmel)説:'數千年來,人類着迷於術數學和數字的神秘性。太陽與月亮,是偉大自然之書中用來衡量人類生活的徵候,總是使人感覺到數字是非常特别的東西。''數字的象徵意義極其豐富多彩,然而在不同的文化中,對各種數字的解釋總能發現驚人的相似之處。'
The People greatly honored the number'seven'in the long historical period in the Central Eurasia.They feel that the numbers,including seven and those with'seven'as the mantissa or multiple,are something very special.This paper investigates the numbers in the different contexts,such as in the legends of ancestral origins,in the coronation ceremonies and in the sacrificial rituals,and reveals their different forms for different expressions.This paper concludes that the symbolic number'seven'was rooted in the Central Eurasia’s own traditions.And yet there is no denying that other civilizations around it communicate with,which means they were interacted on each other.From this perspective,the number symbolism could open a new window for us to interpret the text in the relevant historical documents.
Medieval China