
贸易与投资动因:服务业与制造业的差异 被引量:41

Motivation of Trade and Investment:Differences between Services and Manufacturing
摘要 服务业的对外贸易和对外直接投资的经济地位日益重要 ,但理论上对其动因的研究和说明相对落后 ,由于服务产品的种种特殊性 ,现有国际贸易理论和直接投资理论对于制造业 (物质产品 )和服务业的适用性是有差异的。文章对服务业与制造业贸易动因的差异、贸易与投资选择的差异以及投资动因的差异逐一作了理论分析 ,并认为不完全竞争条件下的产品差异与规模经济是最能说明当前的服务业跨国投资的。 The economic status of foreign trade and foreign investment of services is becoming increasingly important. However, theoretically speaking, the research into and elaboration on its motivation relatively lag behind. Due to the specific characteristics of service products, the existing theories concerning international trade and direct investment show discrepancy when applied to manufacture (i. e. material products) and services. This paper makes a detailed theoretical analysis of the differences in the trade motivation between services and manufacture, the differences between trade and investment choices, and the difference between investment motives. This paper holds the view that the product difference and the scale economy in the context of incomplete competition can best account for the present transnational investment in services.
作者 李慧中
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期64-70,共7页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
关键词 服务业 制造业 贸易与投资 动因 差异 services, manufacture, trade and investment, motive force, difference
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