
创作绝不是急就章 被引量:16

Music Composition Means Hasty Completionby No Means
摘要 能静心创作或还仍坚持静心创作的人越来越少,这是更令人担忧的。音乐创作是一项艰苦的个体精神劳动,需要完全沉下心来,不受任何干抗或诱惑,全身心地投入。在艺术创作面前,真诚,始终是第一位的,容不得半点虚假。有质量的音乐创作,从本质上说,即是一个艺术家长时期对社会、对历史、对人生、对现实生活深刻感悟化为自己艺术语言的体现,绝不是急就章,或硬作"命题文章"。上面我所说的其实是很普通的有关艺术刨作规律的问题,但我们在实际操作上却常常与此相悖。比如这些年的抓创作,我们基本上是在围绕着政治大节日转:香港回归、澳门回归、建国五十周年、跨世纪、建党八十周年等等。领导的意图很好,就是希望作品出现得又多又快又好,而且管得既直接又细致具体,但结果呢?晚会举行了不少,钱花了不少,也热闹了几阵子,但究竟留下了多少"抓出来"的好作品?其实,艺术家在创作生涯中谁也不会预先知道自己的哪部作品会传世,他一辈子可能写了几十部(首)、几百部(首)作品,但即使只有一、二部(首)作品传世,就是对国家、民族、艺术的贡献。文艺创作能否搞工程?我持怀疑态度。鉴于一个国家的音乐发展史实际上就是一部音乐创作史,然后才是演奏史、表演史,因此,繁荣创作对发展音乐事业具有核心意义。 Fewer and fewer people are involved in or insistent on patient cre-ation,which is rather bothersome. Music making,characterized by hard mental labour of individuals,requires complete dedication without any interference or temptation.In terms of artistic creation,sincerity is al-ways a matter of primary importance.Quality music composition, essen-tially,is accomplished in such a way that represents the transforma-lion of the artist's long-term experience of history,life and reality into his own language,rather than a hasty completion or a reluctant 'paper with assigned topic'.Here I refer to a normal issue on rules of artistic creation,but in reality,we often act in the opposite direction.Take for example the'assigned'compositions for the recent yean, we have basically been revolving around major political days,such asHong Kong's Return,Macao's Return,50th Anniversary of P.R. China,Cross-Century Celebrations,80th Anniversary of the Party, etc. The intention of those leaders is that more and more better works will be made, and they often give direct and very meticulous instructions.Butin the end,in spite of the many gala shows,the much money spent, how many good works have emerged out of these 'assigned' works?In fact, an artist never knows in his entire career which of this works would be famous. He man have composed dozens or hundreds ofworks, but even if only one or two of them become famous,he has made contributions to his country, his nation and the art. Whetherartistic creations can be realized through these projects,I would doubt. Since the history of a nation's music development is in reality a history of music composition first and foremost,and then that of playing,of performance,therefore,thriving compositions are playing a key role in promoting the music cause.
作者 陆在易
机构地区 上海音乐家协会
出处 《人民音乐(评论)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期6-8,64,共4页 Peoples Music
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