The present paper reports on the results of a new method for preserving the "natural colours" of the immature insects. Since the different layers of the body-wall of the immature insect contain different colours; frequently a colour pattern consists of a ground colour whose source lies in the hypodermis or underlying tissues and is overlaid by blotches of a cuticular pigment. The cuticular colours, mostly contained in the exocuticula are permanent, and the hypodermal colours contained in the cells of the hypodermis are very evanescent after death. Tbe authors found out that mixing the paints of the same colour as that of the immature insect with the fixation fluid for injection into the body cavity is a better way for preserving the hypodermal colour than these methods used before. Under room condition, about twenty kinds of immature insects treated with this method for more than one year the colours still remain as good as in nature. The authors also recommand a series of formulas for mixing the different colours.
Journal of Plant Protection