
内地、香港地区、台湾地区报纸网站Web 2.0应用比较——以人民网、大公网、联合新闻网为例

The comparison of web 2.0application in newspaper websites among Chinese mainland,Chinese Taiwan Region and Chinese Hong Kong———Take People's Daily Online,Takungpao online and United Daily News online for example
摘要 '报纸上网'是报业面对互联网冲击做出的必然选择,报业网络化、数字化作为大势所趋,各大报业集团纷纷开设自己的报纸网站。在报业网站兴起的同时,作为一种新兴潮流,Web 2.0技术的广泛应用对报业网站的形态产生了巨大的影响。在不同的社会、文化、技术背景下,受媒介环境与媒介制度的影响,同为报纸网站,中国内地、中国香港与中国台湾在Web 2.0技术应用中形态各异。本文主要运用比较研究的方法,选取内地、香港地区、台湾地区三家具有代表性的报纸网站进行个案研究,从Web 2.0技术简介、各网站概况、三网站Web 2.0应用比较着手,运用实例分析,通过探讨三家网站在事件报道中的Web 2.0技术实践应用,分析内地、香港、台湾报纸网站在Web 2.0技术应用上的特点,总结其优势与不足,旨在发现和认识报纸网络版Web 2.0技术运用的现状与问题,从而探讨更适合于报纸网络版的Web 2.0编辑、传播方式。 “e-newspaper”is an inevitable choice for Newspaper Groups under the impact of Network News.As a general trend,the electronic newspapers are being accepted by the majority of Newspaper Groups which set up their Web newspapers one after another.Meanwhile,the formations of these websites have been influenced by the Web 2.0technology which is a new emerging force that extensively used in Internet.As a result of being effected by different social,cultural and technical environments,the application of Web 2.0in Mainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan Web newspapers varied considerably in both patterns and structures.Comparative method and case study are mainly used in this paper.Three typical Web newspapers are selected separately from Mainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan.This paper focuses on studying the present situation and problems in operation of Web 2.0technology application in three Web newspapers by analyzing the role of Web 2.0technology in three websites,in order to explore a more suitable communication style for Web newspapers.
作者 李慕杨 Li Muyang
出处 《中国网络传播研究》 2011年第1期301-321,共21页 China Computer-Mediated Communication Studies
关键词 报纸网站 人民网 大公网 联合新闻网 WEB 2.0 Web newspaper People's Daily Online Takungpao United Daily News Web 2.0
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