
带有回购和缺货惩罚的损失厌恶报童问题 被引量:14

Loss-averse Newsvendor Problem with Buyback and Stockout Penalty
摘要 针对回购条件下存在缺货惩罚的损失厌恶报童问题,采用前景理论效用函数表示报童的损失厌恶特征,并在需求预测中引入价格因素,推导证明出损失厌恶报童的最优订货量与销售价格之间的关系式。通过算例分析,得出最优订货量、期望效用函数与销售价格的关系图,说明相比于损失中立报童,损失厌恶报童的最优订货量要少且最优订货量随着销售价格的增加而减少、随着损失厌恶程度的增加而减少;损失厌恶报童倾向于低价销售策略,损失厌恶程度越大,最优销售价格越低。 This paper establishes a loss-averse newsvendor model by considering buyback and penalty cost,the newsvendor's loss aversion is expressed by exploiting the utility function of prospect theory and the price factor is introduced into demand forecasting. Through derivation,the relationship between newsvendor's optimal order quantity and sale price is given. By means of numerical experiments, the relationships between optimal order quantity,expected utility and selling price is also shown,which illustrates the following results: the optimal order of loss aversion newsvendor compared with that of risk neutrality newsvendor will decrease,the optimal order will bring down as selling price or degree of loss aversion goes up; loss-averse newsvendors tend to sell good at low price,and the more serious the degree of loss aversion is,the lower the optimal selling price will be.
出处 《管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期101-110,共10页 Management Review
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-10-0043) 国家自然科学基金项目(71272058 71172172) 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20121101110054) 北京理工大学科技创新计划重大项目培育专项计划(2011CX01001) 北京理工大学基础研究基金项目(20122142009)
关键词 报童模型 回购 缺货惩罚 需求价格敏感 损失厌恶 newsvendor model,buyback,stockout penalty,price sensitive demand,loss aversion
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