
论园林景观工程设计施工一体化的价值体现——以南滨江贯通项目为例 被引量:2

On the Value of the Integration of Landscape Architecture Engineering Design and Construction——Taking Nanbin River Crossing Project for an Example
摘要 本文通过南滨江贯通项目的设计、施工一体化建设,以园林景观项目设计、施工同步运作对景观项目艺术提升的积极作用做一个简要论述。提出景观项目建设中有别于建筑的"建、造、修"概念来阐述园林景观项目中作品建设、氛围营造和艺术修正对建成一个成熟的、优秀的园林项目的重要性。重点论述项目建设中设计对施工的引导作用,施工对设计方案的细节把握,最终设计、施工的紧密协调、有机结合、同步运作,将园林景观项目建成一个优秀作品。南滨江贯通和景观提升项目在建设过程中,设计方案的明确,施工方对设计方案缺陷部分的补充和完善,最终使项目完成后取得一个满意的预期效果。同时通过南滨江项目的设计施工同步运作,积累了园林景观项目边设计边施工的宝贵经验,明确了设计施工同步对项目的优化是存在有益、积极的正向引导作用,最后推导出园林景观项目在施工时可以有效借鉴这一造园手法,使园林项目可以取得一个艺术性的提升和质的飞跃。 Through the design and construction integration of the Nanbinjiang River Crossing project, this paper makes a brief discussion on the positive effect of the landscape project design and construction synchronous operation on the artistic upgrading of the landscape project. It is proposed that the concept of 'build, construct and rectify' in the construction of landscape projects is different from the concept of 'construction, construction and repair' in the civil Engineering to explain the importance of building a beautiful and excellent garden project in the construction of the landscape project, the atmosphere creation and the art correction. Emphasis is placed on the guiding role of design in construction during project construction, the details of the design plan are grasped by the construction, the final design, construction is closely coordinated, organically combined, and synchronized, and the landscape project is built into an excellent work.During the construction process of the Nanbinjiang River Crossing and Landscape Enhancement Project, the design plan was clear, and the construction party added and improved the defects of the design plan, and finally achieved a satisfactory expected result after the completion of the project. At the same time, through the simultaneous design and construction of the Nanbinjiang project, the valuable experience of the design and construction of the landscape project has been accumulated, and it is clear that the optimization of the design and construction has a beneficial and positive positive guiding effect. Finally, the landscape project is derived. This construction method can be effectively used in the construction, so that the garden project can achieve an artistic improvement and a qualitative leap.
作者 沈晓蔚 Shen Xiaowei
出处 《中外建筑》 2019年第2期157-160,共4页 Chinese & Overseas Architecture
关键词 设计施工一体化 作品建设 氛围营造 艺术修正 design and construction integration construction of the project create an atmosphere art correction
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