J.Hillis Miller,argued that the 'literature 'in the traditional sense would not exist with the coming of the era of telecommunications in a paper published in China.This argument had been conceptualized as 'end of literature' by Chinese scholars.And this concept had been misunderstood to a certain extent.In fact,the 'literature 'Miller referred to was the product of print era,conditioned by a series of historical and technological factors,which would have been inevitably changed and transformed in the era of telecommunications.It would bring changes to literary studies as a discipline as well.Nevertheless Miller still insisted on and respected the unique character of 'performative efficacy' and 'rhetoric 'of literary works,which had been regarded as a most important part of literary research.It means that Miller did not intend to declare the 'death' of literature.Our misunderstanding of Miller was closely related with the context of specific academic culture of contemporary China.It reflects upon a couple of problems of literature research,such as the development,transformation and boundaries of literature,as well as the status of the discipline of literature,under the impact of image and visual culture,the aestheticization of everyday life,cultural studies and the trend of globalization.
Chinese Journal of Literary Criticism