轮状病毒(RV)是世界范围内儿童、特别是6月—2岁婴幼儿腹泻的重要病因。近年来发现它同样是成人腹泻的主要病因之一。按其血清学特征,已发现了四个血清群人轮状病毒(HRV),但进行不同血清群 RV 肠炎流行病学调查。
During Dec.1983-April 1984, 156 stool specimens from children suffering acute diarrhea, 13 from healthy adults and 5 from normal children were studied with polyacrylamide gel ele trophoresis. Rotavirus RNA pattern was observed in 70 specimens from diarrhea children. According to the mobility of genome fragments, they were divided into two electrophoretic types(long and short,i.e.L type and s type),and ten sub-types(L1-5,S1a, S1b, 2a, S2b, S3). The predominate types in Zhengzhou city of Henan Province were S2a and S2b, while those in Xinxiang region and Tongxu county showed a mixea electropboretic pattern of L3 and S1b respectively. The additional bands appeared in L4 and L5 types were due probably to mixed infection. Sub-type S2a was also found in the stool specimens of healthy adults.