Plaque formation assay was performed on continuous macaca kidney cell line (LLC—MK_2) with Japanese B encephalitis virus (JBEV). Under experimental conditions, the increase in number of plaques stopped eight days after inoculation of the virus, thus the plaques could be counted. These strains of JBEV of high and low virulence, which had been passaged through mouse brains, were compared and showed no difference in plaque formation. The plaques formed by strain SA_(14-2) appeared 2—3 days later than those formed by strain SA_(14). The former were also small, in accord with the characteristics of plaques formed by strains of low virulence. JBEV plaque formation assay performed on LLC—MK_2 cell line coule be applied to virus titration,to microneutralization test and to the differentiation of the biological characteristics between virus strains of various virulence. The establishment of this assay offered a method of practical value for virological and serological studies of JBEV.