

A Research into the Penal Laws Inscribed by Fan Xuanzi in ZuoZhuan
摘要 《左传》昭公二十九年曰:'铸刑鼎,著范宣子所为刑书焉。'从《传》文所载孔子评论,知'铸刑鼎'内容为'蒐于夷'后赵宣子赵盾所颁布刑法,实与范宣子士匄并无关涉。典籍中'范''笵''範'常为通假,且战国玺印'■'氏、'笵'氏皆读为'范'氏。笔者推测'著范宣子所为刑书焉'之'范',当是'範'字之误。'範'作名词可解为制作器物之模範,作动词可释为以模範制作器物。若依笔者之见,此段《传》文当书作'遂赋晋国一鼓铁,以铸刑鼎,著‘範’宣子所为刑书焉',可译为:以赋晋国的一鼓铁铸造刑鼎,并将赵宣子赵盾所为刑书制为模範,记载其内容于刑鼎之上。《传》文所载蔡史墨对此事件之评论,其中最为关键文句为:'又加范氏焉,易之,亡也。其及赵氏,赵孟与焉。然不得已,若德,可以免。'本文认为句中'易'字为蔓延之意,整句可释为:荀寅主张'铸刑鼎',与中行氏交好的范氏(范鞅)与之附和同声一气,使'铸刑鼎'之恶蔓延扩散,致使范氏步向亡途。此恶牵连赵氏,赵鞅(赵孟)参与此事,应是不得已而为之。赵鞅愿意参与此事的主因,笔者推测应是中行、范、赵三家借此交好结盟壮大实力,赵鞅亦欲表彰其先祖赵盾功业,乃与中行、范氏同为此事。(1) It is said in the eighty-ninth year of Duke Zhao in Zuo Zhuan:“in order to cast penal tripods,on which they inscribed the penal laws prepared by Fan Xuanzi.”From the remarks by Confucius in Zuo Zhuan,it can be concluded that the content of the penal tripods is the penal laws by Zhao Xuanzi(Zhao Dun)after the military review in Yi,which has nothing to do with Fan Xuanzi(Shi Gai).In ancient books,the characters“Fan”(范),“Fan”(笵)and“Fan”(範)are often interchangeable.Furthermore,the surnames“Fan”()and“Fan”(笵)are read surname“Fan”(范)in the seals during The Warring States Period.It can be speculated that the character“Fan”(范)in the sentence that“they inscribed the penal laws prepared by Fan Xuanzi”is a mistaken character of“Fan”(範).“Fan”(範)referred to the model of making utensils when used as a noun,and making utensils by models when used as a verb.From my viewpoint,the sentence should be revised as:“……after which they laid upon the State a contribution of a Gu of iron,in order to cast penal tripods,on which they inscribed the penal laws prepared by Fan(範)Xuanzi.”It can be translated as:“they laid upon the State a contribution of a guof iron,regarded the penal laws written by Zhao Xuanzi(Zhao Dun)as a model,and inscribed the content on the penal tripods.”The comments of the event by Cai Shimo in Zuo Zhuansay:“……and moreover he involves the Fan family,and will ruin it by the change he is making.Wherein the Zhao family is concerned,Zhao Meng indeed has been a party to this,but he could not help it.If he cultivates his virtue,he may escape(the fate of Yin).The word Yi(易)means spread.The whole sentence can be translated as:Xun Yin advocated the casting of penal tripods.And Fan(Fan Yang),who had a good relationship with Zhong Xing,was in collusion with him,making the wickedness of the casting of penal tripods spread,which resulted in Fan’s death.The rascality also got Zhao into trouble.It is speculated that Zhao Yang(Zhao Meng)got involved in order to ally himself with Zhong Xing and Fan and to honor the deeds of his ancestor Zhao Dun.
作者 黄圣松 Huang Shengsong(Department of Chinese literature,Cheng Kung University,Tainan 701,Taiwan)
出处 《厦大中文学报》 2016年第1期39-55,共17页 Journal of Chinese Studies,Xiamen University
关键词 左传 铸刑鼎 范宣子刑书 赵宣子刑书 蔡史墨 Zuo Zhuan the casting of penal tripods the penal laws by Fan Xuanzi the penal laws by Zhao Xuanzi Cai Shimo
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