
施用氨基酸硒肥对梨体内硒含量的影响 被引量:28

Effects of amino acids selenium fertilizer on selenium concentration of pear
摘要 【目的】以华酥梨为试材,研究了不同施肥方式施用氨基酸硒肥对梨体内硒含量的影响,以期为氨基酸硒肥的合理施用及富硒梨生产提供理论依据。【方法】试验设置叶面喷施和土壤施入两种施肥方式,每种施肥方式设置4个处理,其中土壤施入设每株施入30 m L(900 mg/plant)、60 m L(1800 mg/plant)、90 m L(2700 mg/plant)和120m L(3600 mg/plant),叶面喷施设每株喷施300倍(150.0 mg/plant)、400倍(112.5 mg/plant)、600倍(75.0mg/plant)和1000倍(45.0 mg/plant)。叶面喷施从盛花期开始,每隔15天喷施一次,直至果实成熟前15天左右停止,共喷施7次。土壤施入前将氨基酸硒肥兑清水,均匀浇于施肥坑中,于盛花期一次性施入。分别于花后15 d、30 d、45 d、60 d、75 d、90 d取果实和叶片,并将果实解析为果皮、果肉和果心3个部分,分别测定硒含量。【结果】1)两种施肥方式均可极显著提高梨果实和叶片中的硒含量。2)喷施氨基酸硒肥后梨果实和叶片中硒含量在发育初期最高,不同部位硒含量的变化趋势不同,而土施氨基酸硒肥后梨果实和叶片中硒含量均呈现逐步升高的趋势,并在采收时达到最高。3)施肥后单果硒吸收量呈现上升的趋势,花后30 45 d为果实吸收硒的关键期。4)梨叶片的硒含量高于果肉,而且含量高低顺序不受施肥的影响,但果皮、果肉和果心3个部位硒含量的高低顺序与施肥方式有关,喷施氨基酸硒肥可以改变硒在果实各部位含量的高低顺序,而土施氨基酸硒肥对其没有影响。5)施肥量较小时,果肉和叶片中硒含量与施肥量呈正相关,但当施肥时有效硒含量超过2700 mg/plant时,硒含量反而会下降。【结论】施用氨基酸硒肥影响着梨树体内硒含量。与土施相比,喷施处理后梨对硒的吸收快、吸收和积累效率高、硒利用率高,因此,喷施氨基酸硒肥是富硒梨生产最经济有效的方法,施肥量以有效硒含量不超过2700mg/plant为宜。 Objectives]The effects of different amino acid se1enium( AAS)ferti1izer aPP1ication methods were studied on the content of se1enium in‘Huasu’Pear,so as to Provide theoretica1 basis for reasonab1e aPP1ication of amino acid se1enium and se-enriched Pear Production.[Methods]SPraying and soi1 aPP1ication methods were used in the exPeriment,and four aPP1ication rates of 30 mL(900 mg/P1ant),60 mL(1800 mg/P1ant),90 mL(2700 mg/P1ant)and 120 mL( 3600 mg/P1ant ) were set for soi1 aPP1ication,and four di1ution fo1ds of 300( 150. 0 mg/P1ant)、400( 112. 5 mg/P1ant )、600( 75. 0 mg/P1ant ) and 1000( 45. 0 mg/P1ant ) were set for sPraying. SPraying was made every fifteen days from fu11-b1oom stage to fifteen days before fruit riPening with seven sPrays in tota1. For soi1 use,the schedua1ed ferti1izer was disso1ved in water and even1y 1oaded into the 4 ho1es(20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm)30 cm from the trunk at fu11-b1om stage. Fruits and 1eaves were samP1ed resPective1y at 15,30,45, 60,75 and 90 days after b1ossom. Fruits were dissected into Pee1,f1esh and core. Se1enium contents in different Parts of Pear fruits and 1eaves were determined with Atom AbsorPtion SPectrometry.[Results]1 ) AAS cou1d significant1y enhance se1enium contents of Pear fruits and 1eaves by both sPraying and soi1 aPP1ication. 2 )The highest se1enium contents of fruits and 1eaves were at the beginning of the deve1oPment in the treatments of sPraying,and the trends of a11 the ana1yzed Parts were different. With soi1 aPP1ication,the se1enium contents of fruits and 1eaves are increased gradua11y and reached the highest at the harvest. 3)AAS aPP1ication stimu1ates the se1enium absorPtion of fruit,and the Period from thirty to forty days after the f1owering is critica1 for se1enium absorPtion. 4)Se1enium content is higher in 1eaves than in f1esh,no matter ferti1ization or not. The se1enium contents of fruit Pee1,f1esh and core are affected by sPraying,but not by soi1 aPP1ication. 5)When the sPraying amount was 1ow than 2700 mg/P1ant,se1enium contents of Pear f1esh and 1eaves are Positive1y corre1ated with the sPraying amount,the contents wi11 decrease over 2700 mg/P1ant.[Conclusions]Amino acids se1enium ferti1ization imPacts the se1enium concentration of Pear. ComPared with soi1 aPP1ication, sPraying is more effective in stimu1ating Se-absorPtion,Se-accumu1ation and Se-uti1ization. The ProPer sPray amount of amino acids se1enium ferti1izer is not excessive of 2700 mg/P1ant.
出处 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1577-1582,共6页 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
基金 国家自然科学青年基金项目(31101516) 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资助项目 北京市大兴区与中国农业科学院科技合作项目资助
关键词 氨基酸硒肥 硒含量 单果硒吸收量 pear amino acids selenium fertilizer selenium concentration selenium absorption per fruit
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