

Feel the Warmth in Winter Through Health-preserving Hot Springs
摘要 如果说,夏天的烟台是避暑胜地,那么,冬天的烟台就是养生温泉的天下了。到烟台过年,不在温泉水里泡上一泡,好像年味都淡了许多。泡温泉除了可以爽身提神、解除疲劳之外,还有十分有效的医养作用。烟台的温泉富含锶、锂、偏硅酸等大量的矿物质和多种微量元素,浸泡在温泉中,可以放飞自己的心灵、放松身心,置身于大自然的怀抱之中,可以尽情汲取'天然氧吧'之精华,感受原汤沐浴之乐趣。享受温泉的滋养,在烟台有很多选择。 If in summer Yantai is a summer resort, in winter it is the world of health-preserving hot springs. When you come to spend the Spring Festival in Yantai without taking a hot-spring bath, the atmosphere of the festival seems to be undermined.A hot-spring bath can make you refreshed and relieved from the fatigue;additionally, it has the effect of medical care. Bathed in the hot spring, you will feel physical and mental relaxation as if you are embraced by nature, able to savor the essence of the 'natural oxygen bar' and enjoy the pleasure of the natural spring. There are many oAptions of hot springs in Yantai. s the first open-air hot spring in Shandong Province, Ai Mountain Hot Spring develops the natural hot-spring resources into characteristic hot-spring culture and constructs tens of open-air and semi-open-air hot springs with different features and functions, combining the naturally endowed resources with humanistic advantages to create the magical power of hot springs.Longquan Hot Spring, commonly known as 'Longquan Spring,' is situated in Longquan Town, Muping District, Yantai. This small town lies by Kunyu Mountain in the south and Jinshan Bay in the north, connecting the mountain, lake and bay via the water of Han River, which natural advantages contribute to the reputation of Longquan Town as the 'Second Huaqing Spring.'Come to Longquan Town in winter to appreciate the distance and profundity of Kunyu Mountain, ancestor of fairy mountains, and experience the simplicity of life in the small town, you will forget the mundane trifles. To be more important, you should have a bath in Longquan Spring.
作者 高芸
机构地区 不详
出处 《走向世界》 2019年第4期62-65,共4页 Openings
关键词 温泉度假区 龙泉汤 温泉文化 龙泉镇 Hot Spring Resort Longquan Soup Hot Spring Culture
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