当你留恋于诗与远方的田野时,是否有留意,身边有很多人仍在生活的道路上负重前行。他们早出晚归、兢兢业业,他们努力拼搏、不断奋斗,皆是为了在这座城市拥有立足之地,有一个'小窝'来安放那些或喜或悲的情绪。可买房,并非一件易事.如何实现住有所居? 2017年12月28日,济南市政府引进了以住房储蓄业务为主的中德住房储蓄银行,并在政策上给予扶持,使之成为除公积金、商业住房按揭贷款之外住房融资的又一种选择,让奋斗在这座城市的人们住有所居、心有所安。
On December 28,2017,Sino-German Bausparkasse,which mainly focuses on housing savings and loans,was introduced into Jinan and provided with supportive policies by the local government.As the world’s three major housing financing systems parallel to housing provident fund and commercial housing loan,housing saving is characterized by'voluntary participation,combination of deposit and loan,government subsidy,and constant low interest'.It is oriented to consumer demand,guides the groups that are the center of attention of government through government subsidies,and assists low-income population to buy small apartments at an affordable price by combining the accumulation of personal savings and bank low-interest loans,so as to meet the needs of residents for purchasing houses.As a new mode of financing for housing purchases,housing savings upholds a business philosophy that centers around the medium and long term,which helps to cultivate a rational and planned housing consumption concept.On one hand,it collects deposits for housing purchase and construction,guarantees the accumulation and effective supply of housing consumption funds,and fosters an active consumer group.On the other hand,it smooths the way for release of housing funds,restraining the contradiction between supply and demand in the real estate market.Conducive to stabilizing house prices,this mode is a long-term mechanism that promotes urbanization and assures the healthy and sustainable development of the real estate market.