炙热的骄阳没有挡住青岛人的热情,初夏的风情仿佛为邻居节助力。经过了15个年头的激荡和沉淀、传播和发展,邻居节早已成为了青岛的全民节日。日前,以'崇德尚礼,山海为邻'为主题的201 9年青岛邻居节启动仪式在崂山区隆重举行,与此同时,市北区、城阳区、莱西市等其他区市设立分会场同步启动。15年,将'邻里情'传递王哥庄的'大馒头'、鲅鱼馅儿的水饺、剪纸、泥人、打拓印、崂山茶……启动仪式还未开始,在石老人海水浴场便人头攒动,这些极具青岛风格、崂山特色的文化展示吸引了人们目光。
A dvocate virtues and etiquette,and view the mountains and the sea as our neighbors.Neighbor’s Day is an annual reunion for over 9 million Qingdao citizens.Recently,the 2019 Qjngdao Neighbor’s Day was launched in the city reception room in Laoshan District.At the launching ceremony,citizens of four groups respectively themed with'intimacy','benevolence','kindness'and'neighborhood'came to the stage to tell stories about neighborhood;Sun Ruihan,initiator of the Neighbor’s Day,also expressed some new expectations for the festival while holding her baby.It is known that the theme of this Neighbor’s Day is'Advocating virtues and etiquette,and viewing the mountains and the sea as our neighbors',during which 100 most beautiful communities across the city will be searched for in accordance with the'clean home'standard.Moreover,during the period,a series of colorful activities will be held to celebrate the Neighbor’s Day.