
短时正念训练对大学生情绪图片再认的影响 被引量:7

Effects of brief mindfulness training on recognition of emotional pictures in college students
摘要 目的:探究短时正念训练对大学生情绪图片再认的影响。方法:采用2(实验条件)×3(情绪效价)×2(情绪唤醒)混合设计,64名大学生被随机分配到正念训练组和中性录音组(每组各32人),采用积极消极情绪量表(PANAS)、五因素正念量表(FFMQ)和多伦多正念量表(TMS)进行基线测量,然后进行录音训练;训练后采用TMS进行干预后测量,并进行情绪图片的学习与再认任务。结果:正念训练组干预后的TMS总分及2个维度得分均高于基线(均P<0.05)。干预后,正念训练组对情绪图片的效价和唤醒评价高于中性录音组(均P<0.001);正念训练组对情绪图片的再认正确率呈现略高于中性录音组的趋势(P=0.057)。实验条件与情绪效价和唤醒之间的交互作用无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论:短时正念训练能提高大学生的状态正念水平,并增强情绪图片记忆,包括积极和消极情绪图片记忆。 Objective:To investigate the effects of brief mindfulness training on the recognition of emotional pictures in college students.Methods:The 2(experimental conditions)×3(emotional valence)×2(emotional arousal)mixed design was used in this study.Sixty-four college students were recruited and randomly assigned into the mindfulness training group and the neutral recording group(n=32).The participants were asked to complete the pre-test of questionnaires including the demographic questionnaire,the Positive and Negative Affect Scale(PANAS),Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire(FFMQ),and Toronto Mindfulness Scale(TMS).Then they finished the recording training,including the TMS post-test and the emotional pictures learning and recognition tasks.Results:After the recording intervention,the mindfulness group got higher scores in the post-test TMS and the curiosity and decentering dimensions than in the pre-test(Ps<0.05).After the intervention,the valence and arousal evaluations of emotional pictures were higher in the mindfulness group than in the neutral recording group(Ps<0.001),and the correct rate of recognition(RR)of emotional pictures presented a trend to be higher in the mindfulness group than in the neutral recording group(P=0.057).There was no significant difference in the interaction between the experimental conditions and the emotional valence and the interaction between the experimental conditions and the emotional arousal(Ps>0.05).Conclusion:It suggests that brief mindfulness training could improve the state mindfulness and enhance the memory of emotional pictures,including positive and negative emotional pictures.
作者 孙炳丽 钟春雨 孙海洋 张宁 王文忠 SUN Bingli;ZHONG Chunyu;SUN Haiyang;ZHANG Ning;WANG Wenzhong(Institute of Psychology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《中国心理卫生杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期386-392,共7页 Chinese Mental Health Journal
关键词 短时正念训练 情绪 情绪记忆 情绪图片再认 brief mindfulness training emotion emotional memory recognition of emotional picture
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