AIM: To investigate a simple noninvasive scoring system for predicting liver cirrhosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients.
AIM:To investigate a simple noninvasive scoring system for predicting liver cirrhosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)patients.METHODS:A total of 1048 patients with liver-biopsyconfirmed NAFLD were enrolled from nine hepatology centers in Japan(stage 0,216;stage 1,334;stage 2,270;stage 3,190;stage 4,38).The weight and height of the patients were measured using a calibrated scale after requesting the patients to remove their shoes and any heavy clothing.Venous blood samples were obtained in the morning after the patients had fasted overnight for 12 h.Laboratory evaluation was performed in all patients.Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS version 12.0.Continuous variables were expressed as mean±SD.RESULTS:The optimal cutoff value of platelet count,serum albumin,and aminotransferase/alanine aminotransferase ratio(AAR)was set at<15.3 104/μL,<4.0g/dL,and>0.9,respectively,by the receiver operating characteristic curve.These three variables were combined in an unweighted sum(platelet count=1 point,serum albumin=1 point,AAR=1 point)to form an easily calculated composite score for predicting cirrhosis in NAFLD patients,called the PLALA(platelet,albumin,AAR)score.The diagnosis of PLALA≥2 had sufficient accuracy for detecting liver cirrhosis in NAFLD patients.CONCLUSION:The PLALA score may be an ideal scoring system for detecting cirrhosis in NAFLD patients with sufficient accuracy and simplicity to be considered for clinical use.