文章介绍了参差延时技术在QAM系统中的应用。通过对系统输出均方误差的分析证明了当系统出现载 波相位抖动时参差延时技术可以提高QAM系统1—3dB的输出信噪比,改善量的大小与栽波相位抖动大小有关。 最佳参差延时时间为半个信号周期。计算机仿真验证了理论分析结果。
The application of the staggered technique in the QAM system is introduced in this paper. By analyzing the mean -square error, it is proved that when there is carrier phase jitter in the QAM system, the staggered technique would improve its performance by 1 - 3dB in SNR, the extent of the improvement relevant to the phase jitter and the optimum staggered time being half the signal period. A computer simulation devised by the authors verified the conclusion of the theoretic analysis.