在和平与发展成为世界主流的“后冷战时代”,整个世界划分为两个部分 :发达世界与发展中世界。在经济全球化日益深化的今天 ,所谓经济发达与不发达实际上指的是市场经济的发达与不发达。显然 ,俄罗斯不是一个市场经济发达的国家。经济转轨描述的只是原苏东国家市场化取向改革的路径选择 ,不能刻画这类国家的基本属性和经济发展水平。本文以发展经济学的基本理论为依据 ,通过对俄罗斯现实经济结构特征和经济发展水平的深入考察 ,得出俄罗斯是一个发展中国家的分析结论 ,并阐述了这一划分对于俄罗斯的经济发展和构建新的世界经济格局的影响与意义。
In the post-Cold War era when peace and development have become the main trend of the world, the whole world is divided into the developed and the developing worlds. Today, with economic globalization deepening with each passing day, the so-called developed and underdeveloped economies practically refer to the developed and underdeveloped market economies. Russia is obviously an underdeveloped market economy. Economic transition refers only to the alternative road choice of the former Soviet Union and East European countries in their market-oriented reforms. It does not portray their basic attributes and their economic development levels.Based on the basic theory of development economics and through in-depth investigations on the special features of the actual Russian economic structure as well as its economic development level, this article comes to the conclusion that Russia is a developing country through analysis. It also explains the impact and significance of such a differentiation to the Russian economic development and to the building of a new economic world pattern.
Russian,East European & Central Asian Studies