
长春市“二胎”政策下职业女性心理弹性与再生育意愿调查 被引量:3

Study on mental resilience of working women and their willingness to bear children under“Second Child”policy in Changchun City
摘要 目的探讨长春市'二胎'政策下职业女性心理弹性与再生育意愿的相关性。方法对2017年8月—2018年2月长春市268名适龄职业女性,采用一般资料调查表、再生育意愿调查表及康纳-戴维森弹性量表(Connor Davidson resilience scale,CD-RISC)进行调查,并对数据进行分析。结果在接受调查的268名职业女性中,愿生养第二胎133人(49.63%),不愿生养二胎135人(50.37%),不同年龄、文化程度、家庭月收入的职业女性之间愿意再生育率比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01);268例职业女性CD-RISC总分为65.50±18.07,不同年龄、文化程度、家庭月收入、再生育意愿的职业女性之间心理弹性评分比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01);经Pearson相关性分析,长春市职业女性心理弹性各维度及总分与年龄、文化程度、家庭月收入、再生育意愿均具有明显的相关性(均P<0.05);经多元逐步回归分析,CD-RISC量表中'个人能力的概念、高标准以及坚韧性''接受改变与安全的关系'以及'相信本能、容忍消极与抗压性'这3个维度是长春市职业女性再生育意愿的影响因素,可以共同解释女性再生育意愿的28.1%(R2=0.281,F=32.174,P<0.05)。结论长春市'二胎'政策下职业女性再生育意愿与年龄、文化水平、家庭月收入及心理弹性密切相关。相关部门可通过出台政策和制定干预策略来提升职业女性心理弹性,为我国解决人口问题提供了新的思路。 Objective To explore the correlation between psychological resilience of working women and their willingness to bear children under the'Second Child'policy in Changchun City.Methods A total of 268 working women in Changchun City were investigated by the general information questionnaire,reproductive intention questionnaire and Connor Davidson resilience scale from August 2017 to February 2018,and the data were analyzed.Results Among the 268 working women surveyed,133 were willing to have a second child(49.63%),and 135 were unwilling to have a second child(50.37%).The differences in reproduction intention rate were statistically significant among working women of different age,education level and monthly family income(all P<0.01).The total score of CD-RISC of 268 working women was 65.50±18.07.The differences in psychological resilience score among working women of different age,education level,monthly family income and reproduc tive intention(all P<0.01).The Pearson correlation analysis showed that all dimensions and total scores of mental resilience of working women in Changchun City were significantly correlated with age,education level,monthly family income and reproductive intention(all P<0.05).The multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that three dimension in CD-RISC scale,including'concept of personal competence,high standards and resilience','embrace change and security relationship'and'trust their instincts,tolerance and negative pressure resistance',were the influencing factors for the reproductive intention of working women in Changchun City,could explain 28.1%of the reproductive intention together(R2=0.281,F=32.174,P<0.05).Conclusion Under'Second Child'policy of Changchun City,the willingness of working women to bear children is closely related to age,education level,monthly family income and psychological resilience.As an intervening factor,relevant departments can improve the mental resilience of working women by issuing policies and formulating intervention strategies,which provides new ideas for solving the population problem in China.
作者 黄雪淼 许慧敏 陆萍静 HUANG Xue-miao;XU Hui-min;LU Ping-jing(Department of Nursing,School of Nursing,Jilin University,Changchun Jilin,130021,China;Internal Medicine Department,Changzhou Sunshine Rehabilitation Hospital,Changzhou Jiangsu,213000,China)
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2019年第17期2381-2385,共5页 Occupation and Health
关键词 长春市 生育政策 心理弹性 职业女性 相关性 Changchun City Fertility policy Mental resilience Working women Correlation
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