

Retrieval and Use of Literature Resources of Economic Discipline in the Era of Big Data
摘要 在大数据时代,针对经济学师生如何在快速更新的资源中找到更新的文献资源,对中文文献资源和外文文献资源的检索与利用进行介绍,其中包括免费资源和收费资源,经济学学科师生及科研人员可根据自己拥有的文献资源进行检索,来撰写论文,从而助力科研。 According to how teachers and students of economic discipline to find newer literature resources in updated resources fastly in the era of big data,retrieval and use of Chinese and foreign literature resources are introduced in this article. The resources include free resources and charge resources,and teachers and students of econmic discipline and research staff can search for papers according to their own conditions,so as to serve for scientific research.
作者 曲永鑫
出处 《职业技术》 2016年第9期106-108,共3页 Vocational Technology
基金 黑龙江省高校图工委科研项目<高校图书馆嵌入式学科服务实践研究>(项目编号:2015-B-063)的阶段性成果之一 主持人:曲永鑫
关键词 大数据时代 经济学科 文献资源 检索 利用 era of big data economic discipline literature resources retrieval use
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