

Research on Vocational School Accreditation System in America——The Case of Accreditation on Technical and Career Institution from NEASC-CTCI
摘要 院校认证制度是指为了保证和提高教育质量而对院校进行外部质量评估的制度,一般包括认证目的、认证主体和客体、认证程序和认证标准等要素。美国NEASC-CTCI技术和生涯教育机构认证在认证目的、认证主客体、认证程序和认证标准等方面颇有特色,对我国职业教育第三方评估制度建设具有三点重要启示,分别是建立内部和外部质量保障两个体系紧密衔接、多方共同参与且能够保证评估科学性和可接受性的职业教育第三方评价制度。 The accreditation system of colleges and universities refers to the external quality assessment system of colleges and universities in order to ensure and improve the quality of education,which generally includes such elements as the purpose of accreditation,the subjects and objects of accreditation,the procedures and standards of accreditation.The accreditation system of technical and career institute from NEASC-CTCI has distinguishing features in accreditation purpose,accreditation procedures,accreditation standards and accreditation subject.This system has important implications for the third party evaluation system of vocational education in China.In concrete,China should set up a kind of third party evaluation system which has three features:internal and external quality assurance systems are closely connected,involving multiple parties and ensure that the assessment is scientific and acceptable.
作者 梁卿 Liang Qing(Tianjin University of Technology and Education,Tianjin 300222)
出处 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2019年第16期65-71,共7页 Vocational and Technical Education
基金 天津市哲学社会科学规划2018年度一般课题“职业教育质量第三方评价制度的国际比较研究”(TJJX18-024),主持人:梁卿
关键词 职业教育 职业院校 认证制度 第三方评估 美国 vocational education vocational schools accreditation system the third-party assessment America
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