

On the Academic Innovations in Zhang Huiyan’s Ritual-image Approach to the Changes
摘要 以治礼学和易学为务的清代学者张惠言,受启于郑玄以礼解《易》思想,确立礼象解《易》的治易视阈。这一视阈体现着张氏易学研究上的一定创新。其一,视阈确立本身同其以礼治进路创新清代实学形态的课题分不开;其二,礼象解《易》本身是对义理解《易》所注重的对形上之理进行玄解之治学方法的一种'解放';其三,礼象解《易》本身也是对郑玄易学的创新。总之,经过综合创新的张氏易学以虞翻消息说取代了郑氏爻辰说,以阴阳二气的消息归正实现宇宙社会秩序,并把体现为宇宙秩序的'天地之序'作为礼治的天道基础和治理典范,以这个基础和典范贯通礼学和易学,把易象诠释成礼象,以更好地开显《易》书里的'推象应事'的礼治智慧。 Inspired by Zheng Xuan’s(127-200)approach to Changes through rituals,Zhang Huiyan(1761-1802),who devoted himself to the study of rituals and Changes,established an approach to the Changes through rituals and images,which represented his innovations in the study of the Changes.First,the establishment of his horizon could not be separated from his bringing forth new ideas based on the rule by rituals to the solid studies(philology)in the Qing dynasty(1644-1912);second,the ritual-image approach to the Changes can be viewed as a liberation from the metaphysical approach to the Changes based on the heavenly principle which met many difficulties in its hermeneutics;third,this approach itself was also an innovation to Zheng Xuan’s scholarship on the Changes.To put it in a nutshell,as a result of comprehensive innovation in his approach to the Changes,Zhang Huiyan replaced Zheng Xuan’s cosmology with Yu Fan’s(164-233)theory of waxing and waning of the yin-yang forces,by which he aimed to display a cosmic and social order and use the'heavenly and earthly order'as the foundation and norm for governance.The foundation and norm thread through views on rituals and Changes,by which he interpreted the image of Changes as the image of rituals so as to preferably reveal the wisdom of'applying images to human affairs'conceived in the Changes.
作者 陈凤英 CHEN Feng-ying
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期44-50,共7页 Studies of Zhouyi
关键词 张惠言 礼学 易学 礼象解易 Zhang Huiyan study of rituals study of Changes ritual-image approach to the Changes
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