
强制隔离戒毒场所中伴精神症状的物质成瘾患者心理特点研究 被引量:1

A study on Psychological characteristics of Mental Disorders in Drug Addiction
摘要 目的:调查重庆市强制戒毒所中有精神疾病的症状的成瘾人员的基本现状、社会支持水平和家庭功能状况,了解其与戒毒所中无精神疾病成瘾人员间的差异。方法:抽取有精神疾病戒毒人员(精神病组伴有精神症状组:63人)和无精神疾病戒毒人员(对照组:73人)共136人对基本现状进行结构化访谈,采用服刑人员社会支持量表和家庭功能评定量表对戒毒人员的社会支持和家庭功能状况进行调查。结果:两组人员在文化程度[2(2)=8.550,P<0.05]、药物使用种类[2(2)=8.035, P<0.05]、药物使用方式[2(2)=8.432,P<0.05]和入所前是否有工作[2(1)=9.244, P<0.01]上存在明显差异,在性别、婚姻状况、药物使用年限和强制隔离次数上没有明显差异。在服刑人员社会支持量表中,精神疾病组戒毒人员在家庭支持(P<0.05)、朋友支持(P<0.05)、同戒支持(P<0.05)上得分显著低于对照组组戒毒人员;在家庭功能差异中,伴有精神病症状组戒毒人员在情感介入(P<0.001)、情感反应(P<0.001)和家庭总功能(P<0.01)维度得分显著高于对照组戒毒人员。结论:毒品成瘾者往往文化水平有限、家庭功能不健全,戒断后复吸率高;但与无精神疾病成瘾人员相比,有精神症状疾病的戒毒人员文化水平更低、就业状况更差、药物叠加滥用更显著、社会支持水平更低,家庭功能更差。启示我们在戒毒人员的处置过程中对因药物所致精神障碍的成瘾人员注意区分处理。 Objective:to investigate the status quo,social support level and family function of addicts with mental disorders in compulsory drug treatment centers in Chongqing,and to find out the difference between them and those without mental disorders in rehabilitation centers.Methods:a total of 136 drug addicts with mental illness(psychiatric group:63)and non-psychotic drug addicts(control group:73)were selected to conduct structured interviews on the basic status quo.The social support and family function status of drug addicts were investigated by social support scale and family function rating scale.Results:there was a significant differencebetween the two groups on the educational level[2(2)=8.550,P<0.05],the type of drug use[2(2)=8.035,P<0.05],the mode of drug use[2(2)=8.432,P<0.05],and whether there was any work before entering the facility[2(1)=9.244,P<0.01],but there was no significant difference in sex,marital status,time of drug use and times of compulsory isolation between the two groups.In the scale of social support for prisoners,the scores of drug addicts in mental illness group in family support(P<0.05),friend support(P<0.05),and same quit support(P<0.05)were significantly lower than those in control group(P<0.05).In family function,the scores of emotional intervention(P<0.001),emotional response(P<0.001)and total family function(P<0.001)in psychotic group were significantly higher than those in control group.Conclusion:drug addicts often have limited education level,poor family function and high relapse rate after abstinence.However,compared with the addicts without mental illness,the addicts with mental illness had lower education level,worse employment status,more significant drug abuse,lower level of social support and worse family function,which enlightens us to distinguish and deal with the addict of mental disorder caused by drugs in the process of dealing with detoxification.
作者 周会婷 刘晓军 邓刚 汤永隆 苏太贵 ZHOU Huiting;LIU Xiaojun;DENG Gang;TANG Yonglong;TAI guiSu(Psychology department,southwest university,Chongqing,400715;Chongqing Institute of Education and Correction for minors,Chongqing,401120;Compulsory isolation drug treatment center,Ziyang,Ziyang,641300)
出处 《中国药物滥用防治杂志》 CAS 2019年第5期260-264,共5页 Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment
关键词 药物成瘾 成瘾戒断 社会支持 家庭功能 精神症状 drug addiction addiction withdrawal psychological support family function
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