Objective To observe the effect of meisoindigo onapoptosis and proliferation of JAK2 /V617F heterozygousmutation cell line-SET2 cell line to further explore therole of JAK-STAT pathway in this effect. Methods Cellapoptosis after treated with different concentration of meisoindigo(0,5,and 10 μmol /L) was evaluated by flowcytometry at different time points (24,48,72 h). Cellproliferation with CCK8 test was evaluated at differenttime points (24,48,72,96 h) after administered withdifferent concentration of meisoindigo (0,5,10,and20 μmol /L). After treatment with different concentrationof meisoindigo (0,5,10,and 20 μmol /L),SET2 cellswere collected after 12 h,and then cultured in incom-plete methylcellulose-based medium for clone formation.JAK-STAT signaling pathway and apoptosis related proteinby Western blot test were evaluated 12 h after administeredwith different concentration of meisoindigo(0,5,10,and 20 μmol /L).
LU Chenglan
吕成兰(Instit Hematol Blood Disease,CAMS & PUMC)