The lead-free SrZrO3-modified Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3(BNT-SZ100 x, with x=0-0.15) ceramics were fabricated by a conventional solid-state reaction method. The effects of SZ addition on BNT ceramics were investigated through X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), ferroelectric and electric field-induced strain characterizations. XRD analysis revealed a pure perovskite phase without any traces of secondary phases. Ferroelectric and bipolar field induced-strain curves indicated a disruption of ferroelectric order upon SZ addition into BNT ceramics. A maximum value of remnant polarization(32 μC/cm2) and piezoelectric constant(102 pC/N) was observed at 5%(mole fraction) of SZ. Maximum value of the electric field-induced strain(Smax=0.24%) corresponding to normalized strain(Smax/Emax= d*33= 340 pm/V) was obtained at BNT-SZ9.
采用固相反应法制备Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-SrZrO3(BNT-SZ100x,x=0-0.15)无铅陶瓷,通过XRD、SEM和电致应变等手段对其进行表征。XRD分析表明样品的第二相为纯钙钛矿型。铁电致应变曲线表明:当SZ添加到BNT陶瓷中,铁电顺序被破坏。当添加5%(摩尔分数)SZ时,剩余极化强度和压电常数的最大值分别为32μC/cm2和102 pC/N。BNT-SZ9样品的电致应变(Smax)和归一化应变(Smax/Emax=d*33)的最大值分别为0.24%和340 pm/V。
supported by the Basic Research program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by Ministry, Science and Technology (MEST) (2011-0030058)