目的了解南充市顺庆区手足口病的流行特征及流行趋势,为制订手足口病的防治策略提供科学依据。方法对2009-2013年南充市顺庆区手足口病疫情报告资料进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 2009-2013年南充市顺庆区共报告手足口病1233例,年均报告发病率为36.98/10万,重症9例,无死亡病例;男女发病比为1.82∶1;6岁以下儿童发病居多,男童发病多于女童,1~3岁儿童占发病总数的76.72%;散居儿童和幼托儿童是发病的主要人群;城区发病率高于农村;4~6月为发病高峰,呈现一年高一年低的趋势;病原学检测以其他肠道病毒型感染居多,混合感染占实验室确诊病例的50.45%。结论城区是手足口病防控工作的重点,应以社区卫生工作为重点,以散居儿童和幼托儿童为重点人群,对儿童看护人采取健康教育和健康促进为主的综合干预措施;加强疫情监测报告和对幼托机构防控措施落实情况的监督检查。
Objective To understand the epidemic characteristics of hand- foot- mouth disease( HFMD) in Shunqing,and to provide a scientific basis for formulating pertinent control strategies. Methods Report data of HFMD during 2009- 2013 in Shunqing were analyzed with descriptive epidemiological methods. Results A total of 1233 cases were reported within the period in Shunqing,with an average annual incidence rate of36. 98 /105. Among which,there were 9 severe cases and no deaths. The sex ratio was 1. 82: 1( men to women). The cases were distributed in 6 years old,incidence of boys was higher than that in girls,cases with age of 1- 3 years old accounted for 76. 72% of the total. Scattered children and kindergarten children were the main groups of the disease. Urban incidence was higher than the countryside. April to June was the incidence peak,showing an alternative trend. Etiology detection results showed that the majority were with other type enterovirus infection,mixed infection accounted for 50. 45% of laboratory- confirmed cases.Conclusion Urban area is the key work point for HFMD and community work should be emphasized towards the vulnerable population of scattered children and kindergarten children. Comprehensive measures,including health education and promotion should be carried out; meanwhile,epidemic surveillance is also yet to be strengthened.
Occupational Health and Damage
hand-foot-mouth disease