
混合式学习在高校文化素质教育课程中的应用研究——以《让PPT多姿多彩—配色》为例 被引量:2

Application of blended learning in cultural quality education courses in colleges:A case study of Making PPT Colorful-Color Matching
摘要 在高校文化素质教育课程教学中,将课堂学习与网络学习有效结合,充分发挥二者优势,是一种新型的教学模式。基于高校文化素质教育课程教学,从混合式学习教学设计和实施角度出发,介绍了混合式学习的内涵、案例设计及策略、教学实施效果,等,以期为高校文化素质教育课程教学改革提供借鉴。 In the cultural quality education course teaching at colleges,combining classroom learning with e-learning effectively and giving full play to their advantages is a new type of teaching mode. On the basis of our experience of cultural quality education at colleges and from the perspective of teaching design and implementation of blended learning,this paper discusses the connotation of blended learning,case design and strategy,and implementation effect in order to provide reference for the course teaching reform of college cultural quality education.
作者 王晓敏
出处 《中国医学教育技术》 2016年第3期293-296,共4页 China Medical Education Technology
基金 内蒙古科技大学文化素质教育项目"混合式学习在大学生文化素质教育课程中的应用研究"(JY2014094)
关键词 混合式学习 高校 文化素质教育 课程 blended learning college cultural quality education course
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