
2010-2017年海淀区新生儿疾病筛查可疑病例复查情况分析 被引量:1

Study on recall of neonatal screening in Haidian District from 2010 to 2017
摘要 目的分析海淀区2010-2017年新生儿疾病筛查可疑病例复查情况,总结追访经验,为进一步提高复查率提供科学依据。方法采用回顾性研究的方法对2010~2017年海淀区新生儿疾病筛查可疑病例进行总结分析,筛查及复查总体情况数据源于北京市新生儿疾病筛查工作简报,返区追访可疑病例的基本情况及影响复查的因素源于北京市新生儿疾病筛查质量监控管理系统。结果近8年海淀区新生儿疾病筛查336 202人,可疑病例3392人,复查3260人,复查率96.11%。未复查者中外埠户籍占90.09%。2014-2017年首次追访时间(15.87±5.801天)及二次追访时间(43.80±14.090天)较2010-2013年(24.89±10.607天、50.95±14.670天)明显缩短;复查者的首次追访时间及二次追访时间也明显早于未复查者。结论海淀区目前可疑病例召回已形成制度化管理,复查率逐步提高,但仍存在未复查的情况,尤其流动人口,需要结合健康宣教、加强三级追访的及时性,以切实提高可疑病例复诊率。 Objective:To summarize recall of suspected patients from the neonatal screening in Haidian District from 2010 to 2017 and to further improve the management quality of neonatal screening.Methods:Retrospective study method was used to summarize and analyze the suspected cases of neonatal disease screening in Haidian District from 2010 to 2017.The data of screening and recall were derived from the neonatal screening bulletin of Beijing.Times related to recalling were derived from the Information Management System for Neonatal Disease Screening in Beijing.Results:Of the screening test of 336 202 cases,3392 cases were positive and 3260(96.11%)cases were recalled to take diagnostic test.Among those who were not recalled,90.09%were floating population.The first recall time(15.87+5.801 days)and the secondary recall time(43.80+14.090 days)in 2014-2017 years were significantly shorter than in 2010-2013 years(24.89+10.607 days,50.95+14.670 days),and those of the rechecked people were also earlier than those of the non-rechecked ones.Conclusion:The recall rate of suspected patients is increasing during the recent 8 years.How to improve the recall rate of the floating population is the key.It is necessary to shorten the interval of three-level recall,so as to improve recall rate of suspected patients.
作者 高素红 周钰 袁全莲 赵温 GAO Su-hong;ZHOU Yu;YUAN Quan-lian;ZHAO Wen(Haidian Maternal&Child Health Care Hospital,Beijing 100080,China)
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2019年第9期1109-1111,共3页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
关键词 新生儿疾病筛查 可疑病例 复查率 Neonatal disease screening Suspected patients Recall rate
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