

Simulation of Thermal Cracking of Al-Si-Mg Alloy During Solidification Process
摘要 对铸造Al-Si-Mg合金凝固过程热裂纹的产生进行了计算机模拟与实验验证。结果表明,在相同的浇注温度下,适当提高铸型的预热温度可以一定程度上抑制热裂纹的形成。在相同的铸型预热温度下,提高浇注温度可以在一定程度减小热裂纹形成倾向。通过计算机模拟得到的Al-Si-Mg合金凝固过程热裂纹的产生位置和热裂纹形成倾向与实验结果保持了良好的一致性。 Simulation and experimental verification of the thermal cracking of the cast Al-Si-Mg alloy during solidification process were carried out. The results show that the preheating temperature of the mold can be suppressed to a certain extent by the same pouring temperature, and the formation of hot cracking can be improved to a certain extent. The thermal cracking of Al-Si-Mg alloy was obtained by computer simulation. The position of the thermal crack and the formation tendency of the thermal crack were consistent with the experimental results.
作者 王静蕾 薛祥
出处 《铸造技术》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第8期1686-1689,1697,共5页 Foundry Technology
关键词 铸造 AL-SI-MG合金 热裂纹 计算机模拟 casting Al-Si-Mg alloy hot cracking computer simulation
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