国内外关于间皮瘤的超微结构报道较少。本文观察了梭形细胞型和上皮型两型间皮瘤的超微结构特点,提出了电子显微镜下诊断的依据,并初步探讨两型间皮瘤的组织起源。 材料与方法 本文共观察7例标本。
With the purpose of comparing the fine structures between the epithelial mesotheliomaand nonepithelial mesothelioma, specimens from 5 epithelial and 2 nonepithelial mesothelio-mas were observed under light and electron microscopes. The epithelial mesothelioma gavea picture of tubulopapillary epithelial pattern of tumor cells in fibrous stroma, and underelectron microscope, these tumor cells had some of the characteristics of normal mesothe-lial cells: bush-shaped, slender and long microvilli at the luminal and intercellularsurfaces. Between the tumor cells, there were cleft formation, presence of junctionalcomplex and presence of basement membrane which might be duplicated or interrupted.There were abundant fine fibrils randomly arranged in the cytoplasm of the tumor cell.These characteristics have been regarded as strong evidence in supporting the theory ofmesothelial origin. Specimens from nonepithelial mesothelioma showed a composition of spindle or ovoidcells as seen in fibrosarcoma or hemangio-pericytoma. Nonepithelial mesothelioma may beoriginated from the tissue under the mesothelial cells.