
功能性动作筛查在体育专业大学生身体功能训练中的应用研究 被引量:4

Research on the Application of Functional Screening on Sports Specialty College Students' Body Function Training
摘要 采用FMS测试方法对体育专业大学生的动作模式进行筛查,分析测试结果 ,提出身体功能训练纠正训练的方法。采用FMS测试方法对52名体育专业大学生进行功能性动作筛查,并对测试结果进行定量评估和分析。FMS测试平均得分为14.4分,46.2%的学生存在较高的受伤风险,肩部灵活性、直线弓箭步和深蹲的平均得分明显好于其他4个动作,有11.5%的学生在右侧腕部、肩部和左侧腹股沟、膝关节等部位存在疼痛。学生损伤比例较高的部位分布在肩部、腕部、腹股沟和膝关节;学生的灵活性普遍较好,身体稳定性和力量有待加强;身体功能训练纠正训练依次要解决的是主动直膝抬腿、肩部灵活性、躯干稳定俯卧撑、躯干旋转稳定性、跨栏架步、直线弓箭步、深蹲。 FMS test method is adopted to screen sports specialty college students' movement patterns. The article analyzes the test results and puts forward training methods y to correct body function training. It has a functional movement screening on 52 sports specialty college students with the method of FMS, and it evaluates and analyzes the result of the test for quantitative. FMS test scored an average of 14.4 points, 46.2% of the students are at higher risk of injury. Shoulder flexibility, going straight and the average scores of the squat are significantly better than the other four movements. There are 11.5% of the students have pain in the right wrist, shoulder, left groin, and knees. Students parts distribution of the high injury rate are the shoulders, wrist, groin and knees. Students' flexibility is good, but their body stability and strength are to be strengthened. Correct training for body function training in order is to solve active straight leg knee, shoulder flexibility, stable torso push-ups, trunk rotation stability, hurdling step, linear lunge and squats.
作者 韩冰楠
出处 《中州体育(少林与太极)》 2015年第7期52-56 60,共6页
基金 郑州大学体育学院2014年度院管科研项目 编号:2014B2006
关键词 FMS测试 体育教学 大学生 身体功能训练 FMS tests sports teaching college students body function training
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