基于纹理基元的交互式纹理变形算法的目标是产生一个变形序列 ,使得源纹理图像能够自然地变形到给定的目标纹理图像 由于很多纹理图像都含有重复出现的结构性基元 ,因此可以设计出一种交互式的系统来方便用户实现变形效果 (1)用户在给定的两幅纹理图像中各选择一个感兴趣的基元 ;(2 )两幅纹理中所有相似的基元图案会被自动检测和定位 ;(3)通过最小化基元匹配的总距离求出两幅图像中基元的配对 ;(4)结合基元的配对信息和用户指定的特征点信息生成变形序列 实验表明 ,在少许交互的使用下 。
An algorithm for texture metamorphosis to generate texture samples that smoothly transform from a source texture image to a target is presented. Based on the observation that many texture images have stochastically distributed patterns which are similar to each other, we propose a pattern-based approach to specify the feature correspondence between the two input textures. First, the user selects a pattern in the source and target textures, and establishes the “local feature correspondence” between these two patterns by specifying landmarks. Then, repeated patterns are automatically detected and localized in the source and target textures. The “pattern correspondence” between two textures is formulated as an integer programming problem and solved using the Hungarian algorithm. Finally, we obtain a warp function between two textures by combining “local feature correspondence” and “pattern correspondence”. Experiments demonstrate that our technique produces visually appealing morphing sequences, with moderate amount of user interaction.
Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics