
论多元融和型的儒学 被引量:1

On Confucianism with Pluralist Sources
摘要 儒学既有静态性又有动态性,在经历了独尊儒术型、儒道互补型、三教合一型、四教会通型的四个形态的发展后,遭到“五四”以来的反孔、非孔和“尊孔”的“捧杀”三种挑战,新儒家的儒学复兴没有成功,儒学的真正出路在于吸收其他文化的精华,通过文化交流形成新的形态:“中学为体,外学为用”的多元融和型儒学,近代以来开始的这种尝试发展到现在,已经使这种形态的出现成为历史的必然和现实中的存在。 Confucianism has not only stability but also mobility. Since the May Fourth Movement, however, it faced the three challenges after it had the four styles. The renaisence of Confucianism by the contemporary Neo-Confucianism failed. The real way out of Confucianism lies in the absorption of the gist of and the exchange with other cultures to form the pluralist Confucianism, a new styled culture with Chinese learning as body and foreign learning as function. The new form becomes a historical necessity and the practical existence.
作者 蔡德贵
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期124-130,共7页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 儒学 文化交流 多元化发展 Confucianism cultural exchange pluralist development
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