“以人为本”、“自然无为”是道家的管理伦理原则,与此相应,道家提出一些具体的 管理伦理规范,其主要内容可概括为:慈爱少私、抱朴守真、知和不争。着力挖掘道家的管 理伦理思想对于现代企业管理具有重要的借鉴意义。
Caring for people' and 'natural inaction' are the Taoist ethic principle of management. Based on this, Taoism put forward some concrete ethics of management, whose main content is summarized as follows: kindness and lack of selfishness, persisting in simplicity and genuineness and seeking harmony. Probing into the Taoist ethics of management is of important significance for the modern enterprise management.
Journal of XinYu College